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Shock survey results show 90+% against gov's COVID/vax hoax
By newseditors // 2020-12-08
The Gov and its crew of scammers at Suppression Central could be facing a personal catastrophe of unprecedented magnitude. (Article by Steve Cook republished from This reporter filled in an online survey set up to discover public opinion about the COVID scam and the current vaccines caper. As I clicked the appropriate box under each question, it gave me the current percentages of how the vote is going.  I’ve summarised them below. They shocked even me. Along with other observers, I’d guesstimated that roughly 30% were WITH the Gov on the Vax issue and 70% were AGAINST, such is the state of play as the Great Scam comes apart at the seams. The Health Sec’s recent address to the House – complete with the nauseating shedding of crocodile tears  – in which he fulsomely over-praised the rushed, and improperly tested, negligently overseen vax that spearheads the playing of Russian Roulette with the nation’s health, is widely seen as a desperate exercise to reverse the turning tide of simmering unrest. Well, if the survey cited here is anything to go by, the damage limitation has failed abysmally and Hancock was in the position of trying to save the Titanic by sticking his bum in the tear made by the iceberg. The metaphorical iceberg in this instance is largely the sloppy disinformation offensive that stitched the scam together and started to unravel the moment anyone so much as glanced at it. Beside a scam badly put together by people with more evil than intelligence, we were also treated to the spectacle of the Prime Minister and Health Secretary being really really unconvincing liars despite having had lots and lots of continual practice. If you are going to go on telly and try to sell the nation a whole crock of sh*t, it is best not to look, if you can, creepy and devious (Hancock) or manic and devious (PM). Be that as it may, the percentages, as things stood, are summarised below. If I were the crew at Suppression Central, I’d be more than shocked by these numbers. I’d be terrified and getting ready to run away. And very quickly. Here are the shocking stats QUESTION 1  SHOULD VACC’INES BE MANDATORY?  RESPONSE. NO = 94.97% QUESTION 2 ARE YOU GETTING THE COVID JAB? RESPONSE. NO = 91.43% QUESTION 3 WAS GOV REACTION TO COVID19 WORSE THAT THE BUG? RESPONSE. YES = 90.76% QUESTION 4 DO YOU SUPPORT LOCKDOWNS OR MILITARY INVOLVEMENT? RESPONSE. NO  = 92.83% QUESTION 5 SHOULD MASKS BE MANDATORY? RESPONSE. NO =90.65% QUESTION  6  DO YOU TRUST THE WHO? RESPONSE. NO = 90.29% QUESTION 7 WAS COVID19 POLITICISED BY THE MSM? RESPONSE.YES 94.58% Read more at: