Situation Update, Dec. 11th - DoD de-fangs the CIA, 305th intel proves foreign interference, SCOTUS maneuvers
All the pieces are falling into place for a Trump victory. The circle is nearly complete.
In today's
Situation Update (for Dec. 11th), we bring you an astonishing collection of breaking news items, evidentiary documents and insider information that reveals
President Trump and the DoD are winning the war against the deep state and the CIA.
President Trump recently tweeted that the attempted coup by the deep state would "escalate dramatically" as the American people realize, "A coup is taking place in front of our eyes, and the public can't take this anymore."
More than anyone else, Trump knows the escalation is nearly here, and
he is preparing DoD, Special Forces and American patriots for the "final battle" that will determine the future of this constitutional republic.
Listen to my Situation Update here, and read the full detailed story below, which outlines the current scenarios involving SCOTUS, the Insurrection Act, the DoD, China and more.
Hear all my Situation Update reports at the Health Ranger Report channel on
"Spider" is the expert cyber security witness trained by the 305th military intelligence battalion
Yesterday, military intelligence analyst
Jeffrey Prather dropped a bombshell during his live broadcast: A military intelligence analyst code named "Spider" had filed a sworn statement in a lawsuit handled by attorney Sidney Powell. This sworn evidence was accepted by the court on Nov. 25th, and this same evidence is likely already being submitted to SCOTUS for the Texas lawsuit case which claims "irregularities" took place in the swing states.
We've archived and posted the full PDF at this link, in case it disappears everywhere else:
The document is one of the many bombshells -- actually a MOAB -- that will be dropped onto the bench of SCOTUS in the days ahead. Here's some of what it states:
I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies I have employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics and OSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodes and other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities.
The document lays out the fact that Dominion voting systems had open, unencrypted passwords and remote access capabilities which were exploited by both China and Iran during the election. Through analysis of IP addresses, subdomain resolutions and other tracing techniques, the "white hat" cyber warfare expert testifying in this document was able to determine that
foreign aggressors interfered in the 2020 election by remotely accessing Dominion voting machines and altering election outcomes. Some of the remote access infrastructure was also hosted out of Canada and the Netherlands, and financial support for the effort was also tied to Pakistan.

In addition, Dominion Voting Systems is shown to have sold intellectual property patents to communist China via the HSBC Bank in Canada. Importantly, one of the properties of at least one patent deals with ballot "authentication and verification."

Guess who the inventor is? Eric Coomer, the very same radical left-wing corporate guy
who promised that he had fixed the election so that Trump wouldn't win. This same man, Eric Coomer,
was then brought in by Georgia's corrupt Sectary of State Brad Raffensperger to be a "witness" to defend all the last-minute software changes that were made to the Dominion voting machines used in Georgia to steal the election.
Actual quote from Eric Coomer: "
Don't worry about the election -- Trump's not gonna win!"
The document reveals how Dominion vote tabulation machines alter election outcomes through a complex mechanism that obscures the original votes and produces a "win" for the pre-selected candidate. It even features a step called "decorate" which is all about formatting the results into something that seems believable:

The conclusion on all this is jaw-dropping. From the sworn statement (emphasis added):
In my professional opinion, this affidavit presents unambiguous evidence that Dominion Voter Systems and Edison Research have been accessible and were certainly compromised by rogue actors, such as Iran and China. By using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, these organizations neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020. This represents a complete failure of their duty to provide basic cyber security. This is not a technological issue, but rather a governance and basic security issue: if it is not corrected, future elections in the United States and beyond will not be secure and citizens will not have confidence in the results.
The Kraken has struck.
Don't forget, either, that
China owns Dominion Voting Systems. This means our national election was run on machines owned by a foreign enemy who has already compromised and corrupted one of the candidates: Joe Biden. Of course they rigged the election for "their" candidate whom they could control after a "victory."
This evidence is now in the hands of DNI John Ratcliffe
This sworn document is now in the hands of DNI John Ratcliffe, who Trump put into place in May of this year. Ratcliffe, you may recall, is
due to issue a classified analysis report on Dec. 18th -- next Friday -- that reports on whether the 2020 election was subjected to foreign interference.
This report is demanded by Trump's Sep. 12, 2018 executive order on foreign interference, which declared a National Emergency and labeled the U.S. elections infrastructure "critical infrastructure" for national defense. Eight days later, on Sep. 20, 2018, President Trump put into place a new "offensive cyber warfare" doctrine with the Dept. of Defense. This doctrine allowed the Trump administration and its DoD allies to take all necessary steps to preemptively use conventional and cyber warfare forces as necessary to prevent an attack on critical US infrastructure, including its elections infrastructure.
See this Situation Update from Dec. 4th -
Offensive cyber warfare mechanisms activated, election outcome now bending toward national defense scenario.
Also, watch this video from Jeffrey Prather who further confirms all the intel:
Importantly, these two steps allowed Trump to put into place the very "white hat" cyber experts at the 305th battalion of the DoD, as well as NSA infrastructure monitoring systems, giving Trump the ability to monitor and record all foreign interference activity that took place in real time on Election Day (and the days that followed).
It is this evidence that is now about to be dropped into the lap of SCOTUS. This evidence is irrefutable, conclusive and overwhelming. No one in the media has yet seen this evidence, but this is what Sidney Powell speaks of when she uses the term, "Biblical" to describe what's coming.
In summary, Trump's key people at the DIA, DoD, 305th, NSA and in positions of the DoD power structure (Miller, Cohen-Watnick, etc.) now have all the cards. They have everything that is needed to essentially maneuver SCOTUS to decide in favor of Texas, even if they didn't already lean in that direction.
With or without a SCOTUS decision, Trump is preparing to make parts of this information public as he prepares to invoke the Insurrection Act that is obviously going to be needed once the seditious Left realizes Biden did not win the election and won't be in charge.
The Texas lawsuit is on the docket with SCOTUS
The following link from shows that the Texas case is officially on the docket. You can even read the responses from some of the swing states, which are making the most juvenile, irrational arguments any legal analyst has ever seen in a Supreme Court case:
The legal arguments from the swing states are about to be obliterated by the "Kraken" proof that the election was rigged by foreign aggressors. Importantly, it was the loosey-goosey late hour alteration of election protocols by the swing states that allowed foreign aggressors the opportunity to inject false votes and alter elections well after midnight of Election Day.
Put another way,
the changes in election integrity by the swing states provided the opportunity for foreign aggressors to alter the outcome of the election. This point will no doubt be swiftly noted by the sharp minds of jurists such as Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito, etc.
The upshot is that SCOTUS will be maneuvered into a decision that, if rationality prevails, must come down in favor of Texas. The real question comes down to what remedy SCOTUS will choose in order to resolve the assault on the elections that was allowed by the swing states.
In most remedies, Trump wins the election, but in one possible remedy, Biden could still achieve victory. I'm not going into details here because I don't want to arm the traitors with any knowledge of how they still might win, even of SCOTUS sides with Texas.
If the remedy from SCOTUS pushes the election back to the state legislators, we anticipate an
instant insurrection on the part of radical Leftists who will begin threatening and firebombing the homes of state legislators who are tasked with voting on new electors. This action would very quickly result in Trump invoking the Insurrection Act and deploying military troops to protect state GOP legislators from the death threats and kinetic attacks of the Left.
In this scenario, the troops would appear first in swing state cities such as Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, etc.
However, if SCOTUS invalidates all ballots that were counted after midnight of Election Day, this would alleviate any need for local legislators to vote anew, but it would place the burden for the entire election outcome on SCOTUS itself... and I doubt that's a burden SCOTUS is willing to carry. Nevertheless, if this remedy is chosen, it would result in a nationwide eruption of insurrectionist forces, requiring President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy troops to cities across the country.
The only scenario where nationwide bloodshed is avoided is found in the possibility of Joe Biden conceding very soon. This remains a legitimate possible outcome, although not the most likely one. As we've seen from recent explosive media stories and a new Senate report, the Biden crime family is facing numerous criminal indictments for their illicit deals with China and other nations, and a pardon for those crimes might be enough to motivate Joe Biden to step down and concede. Only in this scenario is nationwide bloodshed largely avoided.
The other possibility in all this is that SCOTUS gets threatened or scared and decides to toss the case, handing the election to Joe Biden. This seems unlikely but remains a possibility due to the fact that only one Supreme Court justice would need to be successfully turned. If this occurs, Americans will realize
we have lost our constitutional republic, and from that day, it's all-out war by patriots to defeat the occupying enemy forces that have seized control over every branch of government and nearly every institution in society. The streets of America will run red with blood as patriot forces engage their Second Amendment duty to defend the nation against tyrants and domestic enemies.
SCOTUS cannot possibly be on a suicide mission
It's worth noting that if Biden wins and the Left is emboldened, one of the very first targets they will prioritize for mass executions will be conservative SCOTUS justices.
So if Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barret want to keep their heads attached to their shoulders, they will likely consider the very grave personal risk of what happens if they issue a death sentence to the U.S. Constitution and turn America over to Bolshevik-style communists and fascists who are already calling for mass incarceration of all Trump supporters, conservatives, Christians and gun owners. Those Leftists would obviously try to eliminate all conservative justices by any means necessary. They believe in the use of violence to achieve political domination, especially since they can't win legitimate elections if they're fair.
Additionally, Democrats are openly promising to stack the court if they gain power at both the White House and Senate. This would render the current slate of jurists obsolete, essentially ending the careers and influence of the conservative justices who now occupy those seats on the High Court. Thus, any decision by SCOTUS to side with Biden and the election theft of the swing states is essentially
a suicide mission -- both for themselves and the nation as founded.
The Pentagon, under Chris Miller, just cut the CIA's counterterrorism personnel assets... likely to halt the execution squads from operating in America
Meanwhile, key Trump assets inside the Pentagon just cut DoD resources to the CIA's "counterterrorism" units, which are actually the units that run kidnapping and execution operations around the world. As
reported by
Two sources familiar with the matter said that Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has sent a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel saying that a longstanding arrangement offering DOD support to the agency is in jeopardy. The review is the pet project of Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick, one of several top-level political appointees assigned to acting roles in the Pentagon...
Anyone who has been listening to my Situation Updates immediately recognizes all those names. As it turns out, the DoD and DIA are at war against the CIA, which ran the foreign interference via its Frankfurt server farm, altering the election outcome in swing states.
More importantly, we also believe that just as the CIA turned its cyber weapons against America in the 2020 election, the CIA is also running executions, kidnappings and other nefarious ops inside CONUS. This is evident in the mysterious "accident" deaths of people associated with GA Gov. Kemp and Sen. Loeffler, whose senior staffer was recently killed.
The date on which the DoD plans to cut off all DoD personnel resources to the CIA is January 5th, one day before the US Congress officially accepts the electoral college votes from the states.
Jan. 6th represents the last date on which members of the U.S. Congress -- or even VP Pence who oversees the count that day -- can raise objections and challenge the electoral votes of the states. Thus, unless SCOTUS renders a decision that achieves a win for Trump before January 6th, that's the very last day on which any sort of legal, non-kinetic process could preserve the Constitution and save the republic.
After January 6th, if the election is still on track to being stolen by Biden, the CIA and the deep state, this is when we believe
Trump will have no choice but to activate the national security option to prevent America from falling into the hands of communist-run deep state puppets such as Biden and Harris (with Brennan, Clinton, Rice and others pulling the strings from behind the curtain).
The national security option
If all other efforts fail -- the Supreme Court, state legislators choosing their own parallel electors, and objections raised on Jan. 6 -- then Trump must invoke his national security option to save the republic.
In this scenario, Trump initiates the public emergency broadcast system and holds an emergency announcement from the White House. There, he would declare the election to be an act of cyber warfare against the United States, carried out by foreign aggressors colluding with domestic, corrupt officials and deep state actors. He would likely invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy troops across U.S. cities and begin a wave of mass arrests of the traitors and enemy combatants involved in the attempted coup.
Trump even speaks of this possibility in his own tweets, when he says, "This is going to escalate dramatically. This is a very dangerous moment in our history..." He also characterizes the election theft as a "coup" against America, and he's right about that. It is an attempted coup. Trump is bound by his own oath to make sure this coup does not succeed.
As this scenario unfolds, Trump will be forced to quickly seize treasonous media outlets using military forces. Big Tech companies would be shut down or seized and overtaken. Zuckerberg, Dorsey and other Big Tech CEOs would be arrested and charged with treason (which needs to happen anyway). Traitorous actors like Obama would try to flee the country to evade arrest. If they succeed in fleeing, they would call for United Nations intervention from their new overseas locations, where they will likely will be hunted by US Army Rangers or Delta forces.
This scenario seems just as likely as any other scenario at this point, and the current positioning of U.S. Carrier Strike Force units reveals that the DoD is anticipating needing to defend CONUS against the possibility of attempted foreign invasions of the United States. We do not believe any invasion by sea would even have a small chance of being successful, but smaller land invasions via Chinese troops in Canada is a very real possibility. However, if China invaded the USA from Canada, this would only shore up support for President Trump and underscore the fact that he is actually defending America against foreign invaders and isn't merely declaring himself a military dictator for political reasons. Thus, an invasion by Chinese troops from the North would actually strengthen Trump's authority and leadership in a time of war.
Plus, Chinese forces would learn very quickly what happens when you try to overrun patriot country folk in rural Washington and Idaho.
It is clear from troop movements, U.S. Navy activities, military flight tracking and intel from my military-connected sources that
the military is being readied for the possibility of domestic deployment in January. The likely timing of this would be immediately after Jan. 6th.
My best assessment of where we are right now
In my assessment, there is a solid chance -- say 50/50 -- that SCOTUS sides with Texas. If that occurs, there is around a 90% chance that Trump emerges the victor from the various remedies that would be prescribed by SCOTUS.
Simultaneously, there is a small chance -- say 20% -- that Biden concedes before the end of December. This is the best outcome as it avoids most of the more serious bloodshed scenarios.
However, there remains roughly a 50% chance that none of the efforts by Trump will succeed, and that on Jan. 6th, Congress will accept electors that solidify the Biden "win," despite all the irrefutable evidence of vote fraud, foreign interference, China's hold over the Bidens, etc. In this scenario, Trump is almost certain to invoke the national security option, which puts America in a similar position to Abraham Lincoln's war powers acts in 1862.
The advantage of this scenario is that it allows Trump to mass arrest all the deep state traitors, enemy combatants, China puppets, CIA black hat operatives and other corrupt officials, all at once and completely outside the usual civilian court system (which itself is corrupt). The scary part in this scenario is that it puts the USA under some form of military rule, with the possibility that Trump might even suspend
habeas corpus.
My personal opinion is that Trump needs to invoke the Insurrection Act right now, roll out the troops immediately, and activate all the mass arrests needed to take down America's domestic enemies. However, my opinion isn't what counts here, and it looks like Trump is going to give SCOTUS a chance to end the illegal coup via the court system first.
If SCOTUS rules for Texas and Trump achieves victory, this "solution" does nothing to resolve the problem of deep state traitors and China puppets still running Big Tech, the media, the Democrat party, the universities and most of the courts. That problem still needs to get solved, and both the DOJ and FBI appear to be utterly compromised and even complicit in the deep state's agenda to destroy America.
Thus, any honest assessment of what mechanisms will be needed to defend and restore our constitutional republic must, sooner or later, realize that mass arrests under temporary military authority are the only realistic option. That's why I believe Trump should invoke it now, while he's still in power, and while the overwhelming evidence of blatant election theft is fresh in the minds of the people.
Stay tuned. Pray for your nation and double check your rifle ammo. If SCOTUS fails, and Trump fails, and the DoD fails, it all falls on the shoulders of the American people and their Second Amendment duty to defend this nation against a communist takeover.
Under no circumstances can America allow Biden, a corrupt Chinese puppet, to attain control over the military. Biden will immediately move to criminalize all AR-15 rifles, and he will weaponize the IRS and every other government agency against Trump supporters. Biden would also invoke the Insurrection Act himself, then deploy US troops against patriot groups in an attempt to exterminate them, and we all end up in a civil war anyway.
Fight now like your life depends on it. Because it does.